Monday, March 2, 2009

Ugly in a cute way - the Axolotl

Meet the Axolotl, also called the Mexican water dog. OK, not technically a fish, the Axolotl is actually a salamander of sorts. Axolotls are amphibians in the salamander family, and they are also neotenous meaning that unlike other salamanders they do not proceed to the adult developmental stage as they age. Instead they remain in the larval stage for their entire life where they retain their gills, reach sexual maturity, and grow up to 18 inches in size (most Axolotls are around nine inches). When introduced to hormones Axolotls may actually metamorphose into the lost adult stage where their coloring is more like that of other salamanders.

The Axolotl is also being widely studied for its healing abilities and the ability to regenerate limbs. It seems that there is a big fan base for this strange creature. To learn more about him, visit

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